
Tricks in Windows Operating System

Hello Learners, I'm once again here with a new tips and tricks of the Windows which we help you to do your task efficiently and quickly. Here I'll Show you how to set the Image as an Icon on the Hard Disk Drive or HDD  in Windows Operating System. For doing these first of all you have to  Choose  the  Image  for setting as the  HDD Icon  but  Image extensio n must be  Bitmap  ( .bmp ). If You don't know how to make image extension bitmap (.bmp) here it is illustrated.  Steps are followed below with Screenshots . Step 1 : Open the image with a Paint of Windows. Fig. 1 Open Image in Paint Step 2 : Save as this image as bmp picture . Fig. 2 Save as bmp Picture Step 3 : Name an image . Fig. 3 Name the Image Now, the Image is ready for the use here you can see the Image format or extension is changed from .png to .bmp. You can see the comparison between both of image ...

3 Amazing Websites on Google

Hello Learners, I'm back with some new tips and tricks which will helpful in the increasing your technical skills and knowledge. There are some most useful websites on internet which will help you a lot to do your work fast and efficient. 3 Amazing Websites on Google 1. The Faces of Facebook On this Website when you visit it will show you the Million of Facebook users at single place and when you zoom it then you can clearly see all of the users. so here you can easily see the Facebook users and so that this is a very good Website. Steps are Follow. 1. Open Google and Search The faces of Facebook. Fig. 1 Search The Faces of Facebook  2. Now, Click on the First link . Fig. 2 Click on First Link 3. Now you will see a page with lots of Facebook Profile . Fig. 3 Million of Facebook profile 4. Now, Zoom it  for viewing the Profile . Fig. 4 See the Profiles 2. Hacker Typer In this website you can do a fun with completing y...

Tricks on Google (Part-2)

Hello Learners, I'm back with some new tips and tricks of Google which will helps you to do your work efficiently and to increasing your knowledge. Top 5 Google Tricks. 1. Google Pacman In the Google there are lots of game offers by the google and you can easily play all that game and they are very popular games. Steps are follow. 1. Open Google and Search Google Pacman. Fig. 1 Search Google Pacman  2. Google Pacman will Display . Then You can start the game by clicking on the Play Button. Fig. 2 Google Pacman Game 2. Google Underwater. In the Google there is a Google Underwater it is a one kind of same as google search engine page but in this page everything will be appear inside the water that's why it is called Google underwater.   Steps are follow. 1.Open Google and Search Google Underwater. Fig. 3 Search Google Underwater 2. Click on the First Link . Fig. 4 Click on First link 3. Google Underwater Di...

Tricks in MS-WORD

Hello Learners, I am back with new tips and tricks of the MS-Word or Microsoft Word . These tricks will helps you to do your task easily and efficiently  in MS-Word and by using these tips also your time will be saves. 2 Most Useful Tricks in MS-Word. 1. Creating tables in MS-Word. In the MS-Word there we can easily create the table using the plus(+) and minus(-) buttons and it is very easy to create the table quickly. While creating the table in the MS-Word plus(+) button is consider for the column and the minus(-) button consider for the how long cell you need. Always for creating the table it should be start with plus(+) sign and also end with the plus(+) otherwise the table will not created so be careful while creating the table in the MS-WORD. For Example: 1. ------+-------+-------- Above given will not work or it will not creating the table because it is wrong way to creating a table so you can not easily create the table. so always start with plu...

Tricks on Google (Part-1)

Hello Learners, I'm back with some new tips and tricks of Google which will helps you to do your work efficiently and to increasing your knowledge. Top 5 Google Tricks.   1. Number Converter Sometime you see an large number and it is very big Amount so if you want to see that how much it is so you can easily check on the google by entering the amount or number and google will count itself behalf of you. So there is no chance of any mistake and your time will be save and the work will completed easily. Steps are below: 1. Open Google . 2. Enter any number for example i'm entering  4534845. Fig. 1 Enter Number 3. Now, click on Google Search Button . Fig. 2 See Result   2. Google in 1998 Google is Founded in 1998 and then it updates itself according to the time and it become popular and very changes done in its search engine google show how was the Google in the 1998 when it is founded. Google has kept this to show the new g...