Difference Between Sign in and Log in

Hello Learners,

I'm here once again with some new tips and tricks related to technology and I'm sure it will help you to develop your Technical Knowledge.

In this Post I will tell you about what is difference between the term Log in and Sign in. Sometimes you must have had theses question because many website gives theses two option Sign in and Log in to you. I'm sure you all are familiar with both of the term but you never think that what is the difference between them But don't worry here I will tell you and also clear your doubt.

Fig. 1 Log in and Sign in

What is Difference between Log in and Sign in 

We will try to understand the Difference between the Log in and Sign in through an example of Facebook and Gmail and Now days every smartphone user is know about both of them.Maybe you have notice that Facebook uses Log in, while Gmail uses Sign in.

First Let's talk about sign in so that you can find out that the difference between these two.So,whenever you sign in to any website, the website does not store or record your data.For example "what activity you have updated on that website" is not stored in the Website's Databases. So whenever you see the sign in on any website so don't worry about your data because they will not going to record or Monitor your data on their Database or Server. Example If Gmail uses the Log in instead of sign in then you would know that which email you read a month ago and how long you read or anything but it use the Sign in so that you never know that what email you read the last month and how long you read it.here you can see Gmail use the Sign in.

Fig. 2 Gmail Sign in

Now let's talk about the Log in when you see log in on any website then you have to understand that this website is going to record or monitor your data on their Database Or Server.For Example Facebook is use the Log in so that  tracking when you upload your pictures and what you like a month ago and anything because they use Login and record your data.So this is the reason to track your user data mostly every website use the log in ex. Flipkart,Instagram,etc.Here you can see Facebook use the Log in.

Fig. 3 Facebook Log in

So now I'm sure your doubt about both of these is clear and now you can easily differentiate between them.


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